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Center page from Bending Spoons: A Field Guide to Ableist Microaggressions



Good luck out there <3


Reverse Flâneur – M. Sabine Rear Explores Contemporary Art and Being Visible as a Blind Woman in Her Ignatz-Nominated Minicomic” - Robin Enrico, Broken Frontier, 2018

"The Blind Illustratrix" - Anna Grace, The Eugene Weekly, 2018

"Short-Form Comics You Will Love" - Suzette Smith, The Portland Mercury, 2018

“M. Sabine Rear’s “Bending Spoons: A Field Guide to Ableist Microaggressions”Will Charm You and Help Sighted Readers Not Make Fools of Ourselves” - Kayla Rosen, 2017

"Being Blind and Making Visual Art" - Isabel Courtelis, The Siren Magazine, 2017

"Superhero Comics Can Teach Us A Lot About Disability Representation" - Sarah Corn, The University of Washington Daily, 2017


Sabine's self-published print zines include Bending Spoons: A Field Guide to Ableist Microaggressions (2015), Purses: An Object Lesson (2015), Teen Zine (2016), Women Artists Zine (2016), the Monday Night Draw series (2016 - present) Empathy Exercise (2017), Reverse Flaneur (2017), which was nominated for an Ignatz Award for Outstanding Self-Published Mini Comic, A Few Good Boys (2018), Cheesecake (2018), and INTERIORS (2019).

Her zines can be purchased in Portland at Floating World ComicsPowell's City of Books, Bridge City Comics and Books with Pictures, as well as in Chicago at Quimby’s.

All titles are available digitally on Gumroad and in print on Etsy


Pallor Pink #6: Not My First Rodeo - contributor. 2019

Talking to Ghosts Podcast; Episode 122 - Guest, with hosts Michael Kurt and Wesley Mueller. 2018.

In Dreams - A Soft Skill Anthology; contributor and publisher with Soft Skills Comics Collective. 2018.

Unpopular Opinions - A Soft Skills Anthology; contributor and publisher with Soft Skills Comics Collective. 2017.

Stories from the Brainreels Podcast; Talking Crip Comics: Guest, with Arianna Warner and host Cheryl Green. 2016.

Cat Friend Sticker Pack: Co-creator, with Eric Williams. 2015

The Burrito is a Fragile Bundle, Still Fragile, 3 Fraglie 3 Furious and Movie Night; Anthologies by the Sound Grounds Wreckin' Cru: Contributor. 2016-present